Personalised Medication Reminder Service on your mobile device.

Takes the stress out of it all and it's Easy

What does it do for you?

Get reminded when to take your medication

A personalised medication record that is always by your side

Easy to share with your Health Professionals

Medication Management made easy

Screens that are clear and simple to use.

The Health Angel system is designed for all age groups.

The Health Angel system is designed for all age groups.

Health Angel helps you to manage your daily medications safely from home.

No matter who you are, Health Angel can help keep you on track with your medications. Automatic reminders that show which medications to take now. You can adjust the reminder times to suit your lifestyle. Your dosing schedule is managed by a health professional so it is accurate.

Health Angel turns medication management into a simple task


Reduces the confusion about which medications to take.


Easy to use so that you never miss your medications.


Keeps your family and carers up to date on your progress.


Helps your health professional to provide better care.